Step 2 of lockdown easing in England – guidance for performing arts teaching and assessment in out-of-school settings from 12 April 2021

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Following the Prime Minister’s announcement on Easter Monday that Step 2 of the roadmap would be implemented from 12th April, the following sets of guidance have been updated to reflect the next steps in easing the lockdown conditions.

General guidance on Step 2 of the road map

The summary guidance for Step 2 confirms the opening of public buildings, including libraries and community centres. This also confirms that indoor leisure facilities such as gyms will also reopen.

Out-of-school settings

The guidance for out-of-school settings confirms that from 12th April out-of-school settings and wraparound childcare providers can offer provision to all children, without restriction on the reasons for which they may attend.

For indoor provision, providers should aim to minimise mixing between children as far as possible, through keeping children in consistent groups or ‘bubbles’.  Where this is not possible, providers should restrict the groups to no more than 15 children and at least one staff member; and where possible, with the same children each time they attend.

If providers have multiple groups: Providers should allow enough changeover time in between groups for cleaning, and to prevent children and parents or carers waiting in large groups. Multiple groups of 15 children (or more if the provision is outside) plus staff can use the same shared space if necessary, with distancing between the groups and adequate ventilation. Although, different groups sharing the same space should be avoided where possible.

If providers use a shared space that is also used by other groups or organisations, such as a community centre, they should discuss the infection protection and control measures with the owner of the space. The owners of these shared spaces must continue to meet all existing health and safety obligations to ensure that their premises are safe for providers to hire and to operate from.

Grass roots sports providers

The guidance confirms that from 12th April, indoor sports facilities can open to the public. This includes gyms and leisure centres, dance studios and fitness studios.

For adults:
–  Indoor facilities can only be used for individual activity or for activities by people from the same household (or support/childcare bubble)
–  Personal training and coaching can take place either 1:1 or within households/bubbles
–  Group activities and exercise classes are not otherwise permitted for adults.

For children:
–  All children can take part in indoor childcare and supervised activities,including sport and physical activity, in line with the guidance for out-of-school providers above.

Education and training:
–  Training that is working towards an external accreditation recognised by a professional body (e.g. a national governing body coaching course) can go ahead. Therefore:

  • Performing arts assessments for under 18s can be conducted in all out-of-school settings
  • Regulated performing arts assessments and examination preparation can be conducted in all out-of-school settings for over 18s. Unregulated assessments can take place for the purposes of meeting all or part of the entry requirements for an educational institution.