HE providers can resume in-person teaching and learning from 8 March for students of the practical creative arts

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CDMT welcomes the government announcement that HE providers in England can resume in-person teaching and learning from 8 March for undergraduate and postgraduate students studying practical or practice-based subjects and who require specialist equipment and facilities. It is our understanding that this covers the creative arts and that many dance, drama and musical theatre vocational providers will adopt the in-person guidance, alongside some online model of delivery over the coming months, to ensure that the relevant Covid-19 social distancing and testing implications are met.

In support of this development, CDMT and One Dance UK have issued the following statement: 

Further to our joint statement of 9 February we are delighted that the government announcement of 22 February allows HE providers to resume in-person teaching and learning from 8 March for students of the practical creative arts. The Council for Dance, Drama and Musical Theatre (CDMT) and One Dance UK will continue to liaise to ensure that the sector’s views are strongly represented and addressed in the period ahead.