Feb 2014 Newsletter

Join CDET at the UK’s biggest dance event Move It! Friday 7th – Sunday 9th March at Olympia, London

Visit the CDET Dance Teachers Hub


CDET is delighted to have an enhanced presence at Move It 2014. Look out for the prominent CDET Hub featuring many member Awarding Organisations alongside affiliates such as International Dance Supplies (IDS). This year we are working as hard as ever to promote high standards in dance and musical theatre performance and teaching through seminars, workshops and demonstration sessions at the Dance Teachers’ Convention.

The CDET Hub is the destination for all teachers of dance and musical theatre. Visit us to find resources, meet awarding organisations and see dance syllabi in action through interactive talks and presentations, all taking place on the CDET Hub Stage. Sponsored by IDS you can click here to view a full timetable of these events.

During your visit, don’t forget to pick up your copy of the new CDET UK Guide for 2014. Sponsored by Spotlight, this is the definitive resource for those seeking guidance on professional dance and musical theatre tuition.

All images MOVE IT Official Photography


‘Discover a Career in Dance’ Sessions


These sessions, hosted by CDET, are ideal for students and anyone thinking of working in the dance profession. Casting directors, West End professionals and other industry experts will offer key insights on such topics as vocational training, auditioning technique and specialist performance skills. Students are offered a series of classes, seminars and interviews to help them discover dance career opportunities.

Sessions on Friday 7th March include:

Audition Technique Preparation & Tips Class, 11.45a.m.
Experience what it is like to audition for a vocational college with Nicola Moriarty, ballet tutor at The Centre Performing Arts College and Alex Jessop, jazz tutor at Laine Theatre Arts. Learn two routines for an audition and receive advice on how best to prepare for this important opportunity.

Discover a Career in Dance, 2.45p.m.
Meet and put your questions to an expert panel, including West End Casting Director David Grindrod, current professional performers and vocational students, who will offer you a unique insight into the industry.

Performance Technique, 4.30p.m.
Learn the key foundations of performance in this interactive workshop led by Keeley East, tutor at Performers College. Work on showcasing your creativity and personality in performance. Taking examples from different dance styles, this class will lead you through tips and techniques to maximise your performance potential.


Becoming a Qualified Dance Teacher Seminar

CDET is hosting two seminars to discuss the various teacher-training pathways available. The panel will consist of distinguished representatives from our Validated Awarding Organisations.

Prize Draw and Discount Code for Members

CDET has 5 pairs of Move It day entry tickets to give away to our Recognised Award holders. For more details on how to enter and to access the 10% discount code for tickets click below.

Exhibiting CDET Member Organisations

Many of CDET’s member organisations are exhibiting at Move It. Click below to see a full list of our members, the details of their stand numbers and direct links to their online profiles.

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