ENBS Juniors Ballet Tutor Vacancy

English National Ballet School is seeking an inspirational and experienced ballet teacher to lead and teach on its Saturday School programme – ENBS Juniors.

These classes take place every Saturday during term time and offer children aged 3-11 years high quality ballet training. They are open to children of all abilities and backgrounds who have a passion and interest in dancing.

We started the programme 3 years ago with 28 children and now have a total of 120 children with a waiting list of 80. Classes run from 9.30 – 5pm and take place in our Studios located in Chelsea. All classes are accompanied by a pianist and assistant teacher. The syllabus is based on the RAD framework with additional creative tasks and formal assessments take place annually.
We are looking for an RAD or equivalent teacher experienced in running children’s classes for this age range to work with us to deliver the programme and support its future growth.

To apply please email [email protected]  for a full job description and further details. Closing deadline for applications is Friday 27 June. Interviews will take place week beginning 7 July.