Director of School Operations (full time) Vacancy

Elmhurst School for Dance
£40,000-£45,000 depending on experience
As soon as possible – permanent contract

Elmhurst School for Dance is a highly successful vocational dance school associated with Birmingham Royal Ballet; it is based one mile from the city centre in Edgbaston.


We require an outstanding and highly motivated senior leader to assist the Principal with day-to-day operational leadership and management of the school community. Elmhurst is in a period of change and is developing its ‘one school’ ethos and cross-faculty communication. Central to this role is a whole-school focus with principal responsibility for school business services, including facilities, administration, catering, cleaning, IT services, and human resources. A good understanding of school  finance arrangements would be an advantage.

The successful candidate will combine their enthusiasm and interest in supporting school systems to enable other senior colleagues to focus on student achievement. They will have a strong and consistent approach to administration, leadership and management, which in turn will place Elmhurst as a market leader in the field of dance training, education and student health and wellbeing services.

Elmhurst, along with its associate company Birmingham Royal Ballet, has strong leadership, clear vision and high aspirations for the future and the new Director of School Operations must share these goals.

Interested applicants may also request to visit the school by contacting Rosemary Griffiths, PA to the Principal on 0121 415 2826.

Closing date for applications: Thursday 4 September 2014, 12 noon
To apply for this role please download the application pack and forward to Elmhurst School for Dance (Director of School Operations application), F.A.O. Mrs S.J. Witts, 249 Bristol Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham B5 7UH.

Docuemnts can be downlaoded from the Elmhurst School for Dance website.