Continuing Professional Development Tutors (Syllabus) Vacancy
The Academy is looking for an international team of tutors to deliver CPD workshops at a range of syllabi levels internationally.
Applicants will be required to have an up to date dance subject knowledge, comprehensive understanding of the RAD Syllabus and awareness of current educational policies and practices in professional training. Excellent communication skills, both written and oral, are also essential to the role.
The recruitment process involves two stages. Stage 1 is submitting a completed application form, alongside a filmed teaching assessment. If you are successful at Stage 1, you will be invited to complete Stage 2, which involves a practical assessment during which you will need to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of appropriate technical skills, deemed acceptable by the recruitment panel.
How to apply
To apply for this role, please download the application pack:
Closing date: 27 June 2014 at 12.00 noon (UK time)
Application form, filmed teaching assessments and lesson plans should be submitted to the Continuing Professional Development department by the closing date via:
Email: [email protected].
Post: CPD, Faculty of Education, Royal Academy of Dance, 36 Battersea Square, London SW11 3RA, United Kingdom.
This is a rewarding and challenging position within the Faculty of Education at the Royal Academy of Dance, who are a forward thinking and an equal opportunities employer.