Contact Us

How to become a member

Organisations wishing to work towards CDMT Institutional Membership (Accredited Professional Schools/Colleges and Validated Awarding Organisations) or apply as an Affiliate (Access to Professional Training, Performing Arts Training, Continuing Professional Development  and Higher Education courses) should contact our head office on 020 7240 5703 or [email protected] in the first instance for the inspection criteria and procedures. 

Practitioners wishing to apply for a Recognised Award – whether as a School or Teacher – should refer to the Recognised Awards Scheme section of our website.

Information Service

CDMT provides a free information service to the sector which covers all aspects of the dance, drama and musical theatre industries. It is primarily delivered through our website and printed publications but office staff are also available to answer telephone and email queries.

Advice is given to prospective students, parents, government departments, media outlets and members of the general public. If you have a question please contact [email protected] or 020 7240 5703.

Further CDMT shares information and news about developing initiatives and the current issues affecting performing arts’ education, assessment and training. Please email [email protected] for more information. 



We can be contacted at:

Salters’ Hall,
4 London Wall Place,

[email protected]

Tel: 020 7240 5703

Office hours are 9.30a.m—5.00p.m, Monday to Friday. 

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