Update on the easing of lockdown restrictions in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland

This following sets out the current easing of restrictions across the UK as of 17th May 2021. 


On 17th May, Step 3 of the roadmap for easing restrictions was implemented.  For performing arts teaching and assessment, Step 3 has the following implications:

General information on easing of restrictions

  • People can meet in groups of up to 30 outdoors
  • Six people or two households can meet indoors
  • Remaining outdoor entertainment, such as outdoor theatres and cinemas can open
  • Indoor entertainment such as museums, theatres, cinemas and children's play areas can open
  • Performances and large events can restart, but with limits on audience numbers
  • Adult indoor group sports and exercise classes can restart

Community settings guidance

This guidance has been updated to correspond to the guidance for out of schools settings regarding numbers of children that can be involved in indoor activities.

Out of schools guidance

This guidance has been updated to confirm that from 17 May where wraparound and other extra-curricular activities for children are located indoors, they are permitted to take place in groups of any number. However, when considering appropriate group sizes, it is important to take into account the factors outlined in the guidance - such as the recommended occupancy levels of the premises at which the activity takes place and levels of ventilation.

The guidance also confirms that face coverings will no longer be recommended in classrooms and in all communal areas for children in year 7 (or of equivalent age i.e. who were aged 11 on 31 August 2020) and above. Face coverings will also no longer be recommended for staff in classrooms. The guidance does recommend that face coverings should be worn by staff and visitors in situations outside of classrooms where social distancing is not possible (for example, when moving around in corridors and communal areas).

Grass roots sports guidance

The guidance has been updated to confirm that:

Indoor sport is exempt from the gathering limits for adults and children where it is formally organised (for example, by a national governing body, business or charity) and follows measures including COVID-secure guidance. Organised indoor sport must adhere to the relevant capacity restrictions for indoor sport facilities including allowing a minimum of 100sqft per person for all people in the venue. This applies to organised indoor (individual and team) sports, indoor exercise classes and organised sports participation events.

Exercise classes and group activities can resume in any number, provided they are organised (for example, by a qualified coach or instructor) and adhere to the relevant capacity restrictions for indoor sport facilities (a minimum of 100sqft per person should be provided to all people in the venue). Group activities should be organised to allow for social distancing, wherever possible.

Activities for children (those who were under 18 on 31 August 2020)

Children can take part in indoor childcare and supervised activities, including sport and physical activity (such as community sport clubs) with any number of participants.

Performing arts guidance

The guidance has been updated to confirm that:

  • Indoor and outdoor performing arts venues such as theatres, concert halls, cinemas and dedicated grassroots music venues can open to the public.
    • The legal gathering limits do not apply to people using the facility for work purposes (e.g. use by performing arts professionals for rehearsals, training, and performances for broadcast or recording purposes).
  • Performance events with an audience are permitted, indoors and outdoors.
    • Events permitted in Step 3 (which include live performances) should follow all COVID-secure guidance, adhere to all legal requirements, and take all reasonable action to mitigate risk to public health.
    • Capacity caps apply to both indoor events (up to 1,000 people or 50% of a site or venue’s capacity, whichever is lower) and outdoor events (up to 4,000 people or 50% of a site or venue’s capacity, whichever is lower. Different capacity caps apply to larger venues and events.
  • Dance and fitness studios are open for professional and non-professional use (in line with legal gathering limits).
  • Non-professional activities are permitted indoors and outdoors, within the legal gathering limits.
    • Outdoors, people can take part in non-professional performing arts activities in a group of up to 30 people. Activities can take place with multiple permitted groups, provided the groups are kept separate throughout the activity, and the event is organised in line with the organised events guidance for local authorities.
    • Indoors, people can take part in non-professional performing arts activities in a group of up to 6 people, or as a group of 2 households/bubbles. Activities can take place with multiple permitted groups, provided the groups are kept separate throughout the activity, and the event is organised in line with the organised events guidance for local authorities.
    • However, non-professional singing indoors should only take place in a single group of up to 6 people.


General guidance on the easing of restrictions

The Scottish Government has confirmed that the majority of areas have moved from Level 3 to Level 2 from 17 May.  The areas of Glasgow and Moray are currently in Level 3, and Moray only will be downgraded to Level 2 as of Midnight on Friday 21 May. Glasgow will remain in Level 3 until further notice.

Restrictions in Level 3

  • All organised sports and activities are permitted, provided appropriate safety measures are followed.
  • Sports organisations will need to refer to guidance produced by their Scottish Governing Body of Sport and ensure they operate in line with the guidance.


  • Organised outdoor non-contact sports, personal training and coaching are permitted, provided appropriate safety measures are followed. Outdoor contact sports are not permitted, except for professional sport.
  • Sports organisations will need to refer to guidance produced by their Scottish Governing Body of Sport and ensure they operate in line with the guidance.
  • Exercise is permitted indoors, abiding by the rules on meeting other households. No group exercise classes or sports (contact or non-contact) are permitted indoors.

Restrictions in Level 2

  • 4 adults from 2 households in your home or theirs – and can stay overnight
  • 6 adults from 3 households in an indoor public place like a café, pub or restaurant
  • 8 adults from 8 households outdoors
  • under 12s do not count towards the total number of people or households meeting outside but do count towards household numbers indoors

Sport and exercise

Under 18s

  • All organised sports and activities are permitted, provided appropriate safety measures are followed.


  • All organised outdoor sports, personal training and coaching are permitted, provided appropriate safety measures are followed.
  • Organised exercise (such as exercise classes and non-contact sports) is permitted indoors, provided appropriate safety measures are followed.


General guidance on the easing of restrictions

From Monday 3 May the Welsh Government confirmed that the following measures would be in place:

  • Gyms, leisure centres, swimming pools and fitness facilities can open.
  • Extended households can be formed with one other household.
  • Indoor supervised activities for children can take place.
  • Indoor organised activities for up to 15 adults can take place.
  • Community centres can open.

Northern Ireland

General guidance on easing of restrictions

The Northern Ireland Assembly confirmed that the following measures would be in place as of 7th May.  These will be reviewed on 24th May.

  • Up to 10 people (including children of all ages) from a maximum of two households can meet outdoors, and up to six people from a maximum of two households can meet in non-domestic indoor settings, for a permitted reason.
  • You may not organise, operate or take part in an indoor gathering which consists of more than six people, or outdoor gathering which consists of more than 10 people.
  • Community halls are allowed to remain open, but must adhere to current guidelines.
  • Libraries are allowed to provide 'call and collect' services. 
  • Theatres and concert halls are permitted to open for rehearsals or a live recording without an audience.

Indoor visitor and cultural attractions

  • Indoor leisure and entertainment venues such as theatres, concert halls, cinemas, amusement arcades, bingo halls, bowling alleys, skating rinks, inflatable parks, go-karting venues, soft play centres, indoor museums, galleries, visitor and other indoor cultural attractions are not permitted to open.

Exercising and sports

  • Gyms, swimming pools and indoor leisure facilities may open for individual exercise and also one-to-one training/ coaching with social distancing.