Step 3 of lockdown easing in England – guidance for performing arts teaching in out-of-school settings from 17 May


Following the Prime Minister's announcement on Monday 10 May that Step 3 of the roadmap would be implemented from 17 May, the following sets of guidance below, which build on those in place for Step 2, have been updated to reflect the next stages in easing the lockdown conditions.
Community settings guidance
This has been updated to correspond to the guidance for out-of-school settings in regards to the number of children that can be involved in indoor activities.

Out-of-school settings guidance

This guidance has been updated to confirm that from 17 May where wraparound and other extra-curricular activities for children are located indoors, they are permitted to take place in groups of any number. However, when considering appropriate group sizes, it is important to take into account the factors outlined in the guidance - such as the recommended occupancy levels of the premises at which the activity takes place and levels of ventilation.

The guidance also confirms that face coverings will no longer be recommended in classrooms and in all communal areas for children in year 7 (or of equivalent age i.e. who were aged 11 on 31 August 2020) and above. Face coverings will also no longer be recommended for staff in classrooms. The guidance does recommend that face coverings should be worn by staff and visitors in situations outside of classrooms where social distancing is not possible (for example, when moving around in corridors and communal areas).

Grass roots sports guidance

The guidance has been updated to confirm that:
  • Indoor sport is exempt from the gathering limits for adults and children where it is formally organised (for example, by a national governing body, business or charity) and follows measures including COVID-secure guidance.
  • Organised indoor sport must adhere to the relevant capacity restrictions for indoor sport facilities including allowing a minimum of 100sqft per person for all people in the venue. This applies to organised indoor (individual and team) sports, indoor exercise classes and organised sports participation events.
  • Exercise classes and group activities can resume in any number, provided they are organised (for example, by a qualified coach or instructor) and adhere to the relevant capacity restrictions for indoor sport facilities (a minimum of 100sqft per person should be provided to all people in the venue). Group activities should be organised to allow for social distancing, wherever possible.