CDMT Affiliate status includes programmes of Continuing Professional Development offered by specialist companies, teaching societies
and other bodies operating in the arts.
Category: Additional Study
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Higher Education Courses
These programmes – which often involve academic and practical study on-campus and/or by distance learning – make a valuable contribution to the breadth of provision in dance, drama and musical theatre study. Students following Higher Education courses are typically given opportunities for undertaking appreciation and research into performing arts practices and history, alongside the development of essential performance skills.
The following CDMT Institutional members have undertaken institutional scrutiny, including inspection of accompanying management processes, by the CDMT and are committed to working with us to develop the highest standards of Higher Education provision in the performing arts.
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CDMT acknowledges that the performing arts sector offers a range of opportunities for students and professionals to study and train for a career in dance, drama and musical theatre. Whatever stage individuals may be at in terms of their aspirations and advancement towards employment or career development, CDMT endeavours to ensure that appropriate quality provision is available to meet their needs.