Italia Conti Arts Centre


Italia Conti Arts Centre

2 Henry Plaza, Victoria Way, Woking, Surrey GU21 6BU


01482 322220
[email protected]

This school offers Dance and Drama Awards (DaDAs), Higher Education Student Loans as well as other funding, please enquire direct for further information. 

Accredited Courses Offered: Acting, Musical Theatre and Dance 


Elmhurst Ballet School

Elmhurst Ballet School
249 Bristol Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B5 7UH
0121 472 6655
[email protected]

This school is part of the Music and Dance Scheme, offers Dance and Drama Awards (DaDAs) as well as other funding, please enquire direct for further information. 

Accredited Courses Offered: Dance 



The Hammond

The Hammond
The Hammond,Mannings Lane, Chester, CH2 4ES
01244 305 350
[email protected]

This school is part of the Music and Dance Scheme, offers Dance and Drama Awards (DaDAs) as well as other funding, please enquire direct for further information. 

Accredited Courses Offered: Dance and Musical Theatre 


KS Dance Ltd

KS Dance Ltd
Unit 9a, Centre 21, Bridge Lane, Warrington, WA1 4AW
01925 837693

[email protected]

 This school offers Dance and Drama Awards (DaDAs) as well as other funding, please enquire direct for further information. 

Accredited Courses Offered: Dance 


London Studio Centre

London Studio Centre
Artsdepot, 5 Nether Street, Tally Ho Corner, North Finchley, London N12 0GA
020 7837 7741
[email protected]

This school offers Higher Education Student Loans as well as other funding, please enquire direct for further information. 

Accredited Courses Offered: Dance and Musical Theatre